Rebrand and Website

Rebrand and Website

Production Coordinator

A visual identity that reflects who BUCK is as an ever-evolving, talent-driven creative company. A flexible system that can support, lead, and be both well-behaved and irreverent.
Rebrand and Website

This project included not only the rebrand itself, but also an entirely new website experience built from the ground up. Thousands of assets needed to be categorized, tagged, tracked, setup, staged and QCd just in time for the launch of the new site.

Check it out at

BUCK Letterhead
BUCK Branded 3D Styleframe


Executive Creative Director
Kevin Walker, Orion Tait, Ryan Honey

Group Creative Director
Ben Langsfeld

Executive Producer
Ryan McGrath

Creative Director
Jodi Terwilliger

Max Lauter

Production Coordinator
Dara Ó Cairbre

Art Director
Fernando Bittar, Frederico Felix, Renaud Futterer, Vitor Andrade

Director of Creative Technology
Michael Delaney

Brand Strategy Director
Marla Moore

Dave Evans

Design Lead
Jules Tarly

Chris Palazzo, Hogan Williams, Zoe Schneider

2D Animation
Jordan Scott

3D Animation Lead
Chris Phillips

Creative Technologist
Adam Ferriss, Charlie Whitney, Kevin Edzenga

Jose Fuentes, Paal Rui, Peter Brandi

Production Assistant
Timothy Tickell


Design & Animation
Relay Studio, Andreas Bjoern Hansen, Rasmus Bak

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